Super Save - Discount Food Stores in New Mexico Recipes

Image for Recipe Grown Up Hot Chocolate

Grown Up Hot Chocolate

Yield: 4 servings

Preparation Time: and Total Time: 15 min


Grocery List: Adds all checked () ingredients to your Grocery List.


In saucepan over low heat, bring chocolate and half-and-half to simmer, whisking constantly.

Simmer 1 minute or until mixture thickens slightly.

Remove from heat; whisk in liqueur and vanilla.

Pour into four 1/2-cup demitasse or coffee cups.

Top each serving with 2 tablespoons whipped cream; dust with Ghirardelli Unsweetened Cocoa (if desired). Serve immediately.

Instead of amaretto, use 1 tablespoon hazelnut, coffee or orange liqueur or peppermint schnapps, or 1/2 teaspoon almond or peppermint extract.

Recipe used with permission by Ghirardelli Chocolate Company

Please note that some ingredients and brands may not be available in every store.

Super Save - Discount Food Stores in New Mexico Recipes